It is defined as a profile having a certain cross section and a small cross section / aspect ratio, in other words, much larger length than its width. Extrusion is defined as the process of shaping material, such as aluminum, by forcing it to flow through a shaped opening in a die. At the same time, it is a section reduction process.
Aluminum billet section is converted into aluminum profile section. For this reason, the closer profile section to the section of the billet make the process easier. This also requires the selection of the appropriate extrusion press as well as the design of the profile molds. As a result, small scale billets and suitable extrusion presses are required for production of thin and small profiles, large size molds, billets and presses are required for large profiles.
In the extrusion process the billets are heated to 420-470 degrees. The molds must be at 450 degrees. The temperature of the profiles is over 500 degrees. The profile is cooled, stretched and cut to the demanded length. Artificial aging is performed in order to provide the required condition and mechanical properties for the profiles.
The dimension tolerance values of the profilers are specified in various standards. Production outside of the standards depends on the agreement between the customer and the manufacturer. However, it should not be forgotten that the cost of production with smaller tolerances than the standards will be higher.
We have 3 extrusion presses, 1600 tons 6 inches, 1100 tons 5 inches and 700 tons 4 inches. Our total monthly capacity is 700 tons and the annual capacity is 8400 tons.
EN AW 6063 is a 6000 series alloy which is the most used alloy in the aluminum extrusion industry (profile, pipe, rod, lama production). It is a Al-Mg-Si alloy which can be increased in mechanical properties with heat treatment and has high formability. The most commonly used sectors of manufactured profiles with this alloy are; windows, doors, decoration, furniture, automotive, electrical / electronics and machinery manufacturing sectors. In addition to 6000 series alloys, we can also use 3000 and 1000 alloys in our production.